DoublePops for Autism Awareness

Bradley's Apothecary, LLC, an Arizona-based company, launched a unique series of digital collectibles, DoublePops, in 2021. These collectibles, sold online on the marketplace as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), were created to raise awareness for neurodiversities, particularly autism. This initiative was the world's first NFT art project dedicated to this cause.

Branding & Identity

Client: State Grid

Date: January 12, 2020

DoublePops for Autism Awareness

Personal Scope:

Project Idea Development & Consulting

Collaboration with Over 40 World-Renowned Artists

Team and Contractor Sourcing

Production Schedule Management

Team Communication / Project Management

Consulting for Go-To-Market Strategy & All Other Functions of Executive Producer

Community Development, Management, Technical Maintenance

Onboarding Autism Research Organizations into Cryptocurrency Donations

Bradley's Apothecary, LLC, an Arizona-based company, launched a unique series of digital collectibles, DoublePops, in 2021. These collectibles, sold online on the marketplace as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), were created to raise awareness for neurodiversities, particularly autism. This initiative was the world's first NFT art project dedicated to this cause.

The project was spearheaded by Joe Bradley, whose son, Cooper, was diagnosed with autism at the age of five. Joe himself received his official diagnosis five years ago. Alongside Joe, his wife Heather is dedicated to the cause of helping autistic adults and parents of autistic children navigate the complexities of access and accommodations in a world that is not always geared to their strengths and challenges.

Full promo video with sound: HERE

Creative Idea with Over 40 World-Renowned Artists

The DoublePops series reflects the diversity of autism. "Each DoublePop is different, but is part of a whole—just like people, who can be neurotypical or neurodiverse, but are all part of the same human family," says Joe Bradley. Only one hundred of these unique collectibles, which take the form of a familiar frozen treat, will ever be made. A portion of the proceeds will go to autism research and support organizations.

In a groundbreaking move, the final DoublePops were guest interpretations from some of the hottest artists in the physical art world and the NFT space. Over 40 world-renowned artists, including:

  • Allison Bamcat

  • Ali Sabet

  • Andy Poon

  • Brian Morris

  • Brian Romero

  • Cake Nygard

  • Camille Chiang

  • End One

  • Eva Crawford

  • FiiiDGT

  • Frank Kozik

  • Hood Van Gogh

  • Jason Ostro

  • Kate Samuels

  • Killer Napkins

  • Klim (Big Shot Toy Works)

  • Kyle Confehr

  • Matt Foglia

  • Mariana Martins

  • Matt French

  • MeanMugg

  • Mitch Putnam

  • Mike McCarley

  • Mobsolete

  • Mumbot

  • Ngaew Ngaew

  • Nate Bear

  • Olivia Grey Smith

  • Plotski

  • Sam Pierson

  • Sean Keeton

  • Smiletime Studio

  • Violetta Melnikova

  • And More

Strategy & Approach

The project was not only an innovative opportunity for Cooper and his sister, Olivia, to learn how to run a business, but it also aimed to raise funding and awareness for autism research. The Bradley family worked closely with autism research organizations, onboarding them into cryptocurrency donations. This was one of the first, group artist project in web3.

One of the artists Brian Morris created what was to become the first guest artist version of the provided template. This is his process video of the final piece Here


The DoublePops were offered for sale in the Ethereum digital cryptocurrency. Each DoublePop is a piece of nostalgic pixel art, reminiscent of early video-game art, but is unique and features vivid colors and themes. Non-fungible tokens are unique works of digital art and collectibles whose authenticity, rarity, and ownership can be verified on a blockchain.

Budget Challenge

Despite the complexities of the project, the team managed to execute it successfully within the budget of volunteer resources and time. The project not only raised funds for autism research but also increased awareness about neurodiversities.


The DoublePops project turned out to be a groundbreaking initiative in raising awareness for autism. By harnessing the power of digital art and blockchain technology, Bradley's Apothecary, LLC was able to engage a wide audience and raise funds for autism research. The project also onboarded autism research organizations into cryptocurrency donations, marking a significant milestone in the field.

Visit the DoublePops Collection on

Ali Sabet


Nate Bear



Double Pops, Doublepops, NFT, JPEG, PNG, Pixel Art, Crypto Art

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