House Of Flavor by McCormick

McCormick, a 130-year-old brand, who stands for the future of flavor, had some spicy global news to share in 2022. For the very first time in its 23 years of Flavor Forecasts, McCormick debuted its first-ever Flavor of the Year to the world, Vietnamese x Cajun.

Web Design & Development

Client: Grey Worldwide X McCormick Spices

Date: May 3, 2023

House of Flavor by McCormick

Personal Scope:

  • Project Idea Development & Consulting. in Combination with Grey Worldwide's incredible creative team.

  • Team and Contractor Sourcing

  • Team Production Schedule & Management

  • Production Schedule Management

  • Team Communication / Project Management

  • Consulting for Go-To-Market Strategy & All Other functions of Executive Producer

  • Community Development, Management, Technical Maintenance

  • 12 Months of project maintenance & technical assistance.

McCormick, a 130-year-old brand, who stands for the future of flavor, had some spicy global news to share in 2022.

Walk-Through Here

Video Profile Here

 For the very first time in its 23 years of Flavor Forecasts, McCormick debuted its first-ever Flavor of the Year to the world, Vietnamese x Cajun. For this epic event, we needed to launch in a transformative way that demonstrated that this flavor icon is all about innovating to meet our consumers where they are and transcend definitions of flavor, beyond taste.

With these very big goals and a limited budget, we harnessed the passion around the hottest food culture debate and unlocked the enthusiasm of the metaverse community to build brand affinity, expand customer reach, and achieve record-high commercial success through a never-seen-before flavorful experience anchored in the carbon-friendly virtual world.

Full promo video with sound: HERE

Creative Idea with Grey Worldwide

McCormick’s House of Flavor delivered an experience so audaciously wrong yet so outrageously fun to make one simple point: Right? Wrong? It doesn’t matter how you feel about flavor experimentation, you’re going to love this experience. So just go with the flow!

The House of Flavor was brought to life the McCormick way: innovative yet sustainable. Going beyond the conventional flavor-tasting approach in the physical space, we built a whole new McCormick universe in the metaverse – inspired by the spices of McCormick’s Flavor of the Year, Vietnamese x Cajun.

In this virtual destination that showed that the world of flavor has no limits, our visitors were given a taste of McCormick’s flavorful history, challenged to win exclusive avatar wearables, and given the chance to purchase the new flavor in real life through a click-to-buy link – all to grow more love and sales for the 130-year-old brand!

Strategy & Approach

“It’s so wrong, it’s right” was born from the age-long cultural debate on flavor fusion. From swalty to taco waffle, food enthusiasts have mixed feelings about mixing unthinkable flavors. Flavor innovators love it. Flavor purists hate it.

Launching Vietnamese x Cajun as 2022’s Flavor of the Year gave McCormick permission to address this debate, taking “what’s wrong” to a “meta level” to shine this truth on all: Right or wrong, when you are loving it, that’s all that matters!

The launch was strategized to amplify this truth and prove there’s no limit to how you experience the future world of flavor–starting with the experienced pioneers in the metaverse who already embrace a virtual world, without limits.


The House of Flavor was an intentional fusion of sensorial and commerce experimentation implemented on Decentraland, a 3D browser-based platform celebrated for its unique social virtual world, NFT marketplace, and open-source platform. It was built on the Polygon Layer 2 chain, which is virtually carbon-free and well-aligned with McCormick’s sustainability standards.

Fusing AI, spatial audio, 3D visuals, and UX logic, we created a flavorful world that defied the rules of virtual experimentation to allow visitors to almost virtually taste it, then teased and promoted this not-to-miss experience through social media posts, website landing pages, and online ads.

We engaged visitors with interactive virtual games and activities through a unique journey to purchase from Web 3 to Web 2, driving deeper conversion on to track incremental revenue. The play-to-win NFTs further enabled us to activate visitors for future Flavor of the Year activations.

Budget Challenge

The House of Flavor experience was launched with a $175k production budget, and in a record-fast time of just six weeks. This was nearly impossible in the metaverse but would have been unfeasible IRL, due to demands of physical construction.

Strategically bringing the experience to the metaverse, leveraging strong relationships in the Decentraland community, and getting into the land early were the key decisions that set us up for execution success. 

Not only did we fend off competitive pressure that would have driven the land to a higher cost, we also futureproofed the brand platform for Flavor of the Year launches in the coming years. McCormick would be spending less time, money, and effort to modify the House of Flavor in this space as well as activate last year’s users to come back for more.


The House of Flavor turned out to be McCormick’s most successful Flavor Forecast launch in 23 years!

By harnessing the power of culture and engaging in the most authentic manner on the most cutting-edge platform, McCormick won over the hearts, minds, and wallets of untapped spice seekers.

The House of Flavor began trending on the Decentraland event board in less than three hours of launch, with over 1,000 NFTs claimed within 48 hours.

In just three days, McCormick saw a +525% sales increase, compared to the last three years of launches, and 71.5% of the purchases made were by new customers!

Overall, more than 357 million impressions were garnered, with 600k organic visits. But more importantly, visitors were so engaged, they spent an average of 25 minutes on site. This is 25x more than the average time spent on!

View McCormick HOF Website

Visit the House of Flavor in Decentraland

View 3D Model opn SketchFab


3D Art, Illustration, Photoshop, Metaverse

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